
In our life love or being love is a feeling that no one can understand and no one can explain it. Only you and god that know what’s inside your heart. Talking about heart maybe someone is being hurt, is hurt, or can be hurt because of love.

How can love makes we feel unwanted or feeling down?

God create women to be protected by man and men need women in their lives. How can they still break women's hearts while they know that being soft and fragile is the nature of women itself? Women, hope to find the kind of love that makes them a softer person, love that makes them a better woman, who believe and support them in every decision that they make and help if they going on wrong path. Don’t fall in love if you are not ready yet. Find love when you’re ready not because you’re lonely. You should know that the future does not depend on the past. You create your own future, let your future fill we someone that is worth it.

To them who are reading this, if you are a man maybe you do not agree with me or maybe you do. Sometimes we all make wrong decisions because no one is perfect. Still, every problem has a solution. Don’t let your decision lead you to your own regret. Trust me, in the world out there are many people who are being hurt because of their failure on making the right decision. Don’t let it be one of you.


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